This course provides a background in human anatomy and physiology, with emphasis being placed on the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. This course is oriented towards students in Exercise Science and Wellness degree programs. Dissection of preserved animal tissue is required. This course is subject to a course fee.
The following courses must be taken prior to this
course |
ENG 010A - Basic Writing or ENG 011 - Basic Writing II or ESL 011 - Basic Writing
II |
REA 011 - Fundamentals of College Reading or REA 017 - Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
Development II |
The following courses must be taken along side
this course |
MAT 090 - Fundamentals of Algebra, or MAT 011 - Beginning Algebra, or MAT 011B - Beginning
Algebra with Review of Arithmetic with a minimum grade of C within 5 years. May be
taken prior or during course. |